I leave in 9 hours. I’m completely packed and, although a daunting 36 hrs of travel is ahead of me, I find myself uninterested in sleep. I will, however, make an attempt here shortly.

I just wanted to write a quick note to say that I am filled with expectation for what lies ahead.

The Lord hasn’t yet shown me the exact reason that He told me to go to India 5 months ago but I am no less confident now than I was then that he CLEARLY directed me to this path. To be filled with expectation, I realize, is to be most vulnerable for dissapointment. This is a scenario I have often avoided at all costs in my past.

Today, and all days in my future, I choose to put my stake in God’s faithfulness, His unending creativity and sense of adventure, my humble acceptance of His offer to join Him in the dance and my constant peace that I am moving forward with purpose – even one still kept in mystery to me.

Please keep me in your prayers. Safety, health, wisdom, courage and a soft heart – these are my desires.